Sunday 10 November 2019

Breakfast (day 1)

Strawberry's (2)
Raspberries (3)
Blackberries (3)
Blueberries (handful)
1/3rd of a banana
Low fat Greek yogurt
Sliced almonds
Aerosol cream (low fat)
1 row of 100% cocoa chocolate
Drink: Diet coke

Alternative version with ice cream as treat
A few year back because of my deteriorating eyesight due to diabetes I read on-line that American research had found the antioxidants in berries halted or even reversed the bad heath of the retina and also improved general heath of persons tested. So having never touched berries in my life I started to add them to my diet. At first it was a bit of a shock, £2 a punnet for each type, but I soon started to see the benefits it brought about. Apparently the blacker the berry the more anti-oxidants it contains.The first thing I noticed was aches in the calves of my lower legs stopped aching (been aching for years - I put it down to walking 2 miles per day)  Within 18 Months my eyes had resorted back to my first prescription (10 years ago) and I had better night vision. 
So hence berries everyday since, 5 years have passed now and my optician said at my last eye test I had 20/20 vision.  Over the same period I lost 2 stones in weight with my new food and exercise regime.

I tend to have 5 punnets of fruit in my fridge, costing £10, but they do last quite a while and I also eat berries in my fasting day. I use a small Kenwood mixer for breaking up the berries, don't throw money away on the expense versions, they require more cleaning. The Kenwood one was only £15 and 5 years on still works fine. Don't over spin the contents otherwise it will turn to juice. To the mix I add Greek yogurt with a quirt of aerosol cream on the top, sprinkled with chopped almonds. With all my meals I drink diet coke and a strip of 100% cocoa chocolate, this is also good for your health (no sugar added - £2.50 for 100 gram bar) It's a little bitter at first but you soon get used to it and it's better than no chocolate at all. The sugar free type contains chemicals that give you wind and bowel pains, avoid. Day 2 (or my fasting day) I have the chopped berries on a slice of brown toast. See other post.

Alternative ways to serve up the mix

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